All posts by michael pedersen

Arduino BMS cell balancing PCB for LiIon and LiFePo4 battery cells

This is the first release candidate RC1 of my open source arduino BMS cell balancing pcb for LiIon and LiFePo4 battery cells.

Cell balancing pcb’s are connected in parallel to the arduino BMS controller shield (comming soon, check out my Danish version of this site to follow the developing process, first 09beta version running now)

Functions in RC1 cell balancing PCB:

  1. Detects Vlow (ca. 2,85 volt) and opto coupler patch info to the arduino based BMS controller
  2. Detects Vhighhigh (4,2 volt) and opto coupler patch info to the arduino BMS controller
  3. Balancing the cell at Vhigh with a load resistor, switched on with a Darlington transistor

This cell module can be used for electric vehicles with LiFePo4 batteris, just by changing some configuration in the arduino sketch, and a few components on the arduino BMS controller shield.

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Ctek XS 3600 multi charger hack for electric vehicles

I use this hack i a citroen c1 EVie electric car.

The ctek xs 3600 have 4 charge modes:

  • Desulphation: pulses with high volt/amp is made
  • Bulk: after 80% charge, the charger deliver a constant current until battery i fully charged
  • Absorpsion: charge up to 100%, current will fall but the voltage will be constant
  • Puls: this is a puls charge mode, it maintenace the battery, a keep it in goog condition. This mode charge between 95% and 100%. This is the mode used when charger is connected in months.

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MPPT arduino solar charger cooling fan

This MPPT solar charger is build around Tim Nolans open source MPPT solar prototype project. I made a print layout for the MPPT solar charger, and below you can se how the mechanical mounting was meant to be. Continue reading

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MPPT solar charger with arduino

Update 27-02-2016: I have stopped working on this project, and therefore i no longer support the code/schematic and printed circuit board.

Update 20-12-2014: this arduino mppt charger shield is tested and works withTim Nolans version of the arduino sketch. The placement of the mosfet’s on th

the finished arduino mppt chargere circuit board was designed to fit to a Aluminium U profile.

Just make sure you don’t try to cool down the power from a 9 map solar panel, with this small aluminium Profile.

To do that, you need a bigger cooling plate. You can find a link in the article below for an example of how to use a salvaged pentium 4 cooling plate. Continue reading

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windmill model

This windmill model is a pre experiment for a offgrid DIY VAWT windmill.

The next experiment will be a slightly larger model of aluminum and mounted on the shaft / bearing from a scrapped ceiling fans. There must then find some neodymium magnets and wound some coils which must then be made ​​into a simple administrator. Continue reading

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suntracker with arduino

SunTracker running on an Arduino web server and is designed as a LEGO model.

This Arduino suntracker /solar tracker called: ‘Sun-Trackuino-Delsol’.

I use a Arduino with nuelectronics ethershield which is used a few times in the past as solar data logger and stokerlogger / controller with Arduino is a WebClient (Remember use ARDUINO IDE 0018 to ethershield from nuelectronics! ).

Unfortunately this shield is discontinued but you can use any other arduino ethernet shield but you must change the code. Continue reading

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Inverter 12 Volt to 230 Volt with arduino

This is v.1.1 of a simple solar inverter made with arduino and old 12 volt trafo’s from scraped electronic and halogen lamps.

Read GENERAL Disclaimer before you continue.

This version 1.1 if for single coil trafo’s also i made a prototype v.1.0 printed circuit board for trafo’s with center input.

Inverter-arduino-InDuinoDelSol-mkII Continue reading

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