suntracker with arduino

SunTracker running on an Arduino web server and is designed as a LEGO model.

This Arduino suntracker /solar tracker called: ‘Sun-Trackuino-Delsol’.

I use a Arduino with nuelectronics ethershield which is used a few times in the past as solar data logger and stokerlogger / controller with Arduino is a WebClient (Remember use ARDUINO IDE 0018 to ethershield from nuelectronics! ).

Unfortunately this shield is discontinued but you can use any other arduino ethernet shield but you must change the code.

I also have a version of the suntracker sketch without webserver

arduino med ethernetshield som solartracker

The picture here shows fumble shield PCB and Arduino can be glimpsed beneath.

Top t.v. sits a polulo acs714 flow sensor. Middle T. H. seen optokoplerne and motor control chip. In the right version replaced the chip by a mosfet H-bridge.

Forrest t.v. seen a 5 volt regulator with USB plug for charging the smartphone with the three small solar cells.

About code and hardware for suntracker beta

It is not expected to Arduino sketch can be downloaded below, is used for purposes other than this model which simulated sensors and actuator are made with a small gear motor and made of Lego technics. Hardware a been struggling the same on a fumble print. Perhaps, make a arduino / nabduino solar tracker shield at a time.

The video below shows what beta sketch can

For suntracker not continually face and running with actuator, has introduced a delay of X minutes between each time it is allowed to move the actuator to either east or west. For this there is used

dateTime library for arduino.



solartracker arduino beta  website

Ind til videre kører trackeren, der er et øst og vest endestop, og to aktive LDR der søger efter solens retning.

Actuator kan stoppes med en knap, og der kan via url sendes manuelle kommandoer om at gå mod øst eller vest .


Dette er en lille beta arduino sketch (til IDE0018)

Version 31-12-2012


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